Vara Gai Gaane

Vara Gai Gane song is from Marathi Movie Sansar. The song is sung by Lata Mangeshkar. Shanta Shelke has written the song's lyrics. The music of this song is given by Hridaynath Mangeshkar. The music video of Vara Gai Gane's song is directed by Hridaynath Mangeshkar.
Singer Lata Mangeshkar
Music Pt. Hridaynath Mangeshkar
Lyricist Shanta Shelke
Movie Vara Gai Gane

Vaara gaayi gaane pritiche tarane
dhund aaj weli dhund phul-paane

rang he nave, gandh he nave
swapn lochani vaatate have
ha nisarg bhaase vishwarup lene

ya nilya nabhi megh saavale
kalpanes mi pankh laavile
jhelate pisapari he satej sone

aaj wed he kuni laavile
antarali ka padati paaule
kashi sodavu mi sukhache ukhane

वारा गाई गाणे प्रीतिचे तराणे
धुंद आज वेली, धुंद फूल-पाने

रंग हे नवे, गंध हे नवे
स्वप्‍न लोचनी वाटते हवे
हा निसर्ग भासे विश्वरूप लेणे

या निळ्या नभी मेघ सावळे
कल्पनेस मी पंख लाविले
झेलते पिसांवरी हे सतेज सोने

आज वेड हे कुणी लाविले
अंतराळी का पडती पाऊले
कशी सोडवू मी सुखाचे उखाणे

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