अलवार साजणी – Alwar Sajni Lyrics are written by Rahul Kale . अलवार साजणी – Alwar Sajni is a New Marathi Romantic Song of 2021 by Marathi Musik Town
Category: Marathi
Chhamiya sung by Sanju Rathod is new marathi breakup anthem. The song lyrics are by Sanju Rathod while music is produced by Gaurav Rathod.
Girlfriend Nastana Mp3 Song Download is New Marathi Lokgeet starring Bob (Bobby Hatnolkar), Shraddha Pawar. Girlfriend Nastana Marathi Song is by Prashant Nakti .
New Marathi Song Majhi Baay Go sung by Keval Walanj, Sonali Sonawane and music and lyrics is given by Prashant Nakti. Majhi Baay Go song starring by Nick